You are enough.
Every part of you. Is enough.
Every thought you think, every cell in your body, every feeling you feel, every breath that flows in and out of you is enough.
We often become so bogged down by trying to be better. By trying to improve. Or we become bogged down by wanting more but find ourselves stuck. Stuck by misconceptions, old patterns, old belief systems set by ourselves or society that do not serve us. We hold on to a life that does not serve us because we fear what others will think. We fear being happy or content and forget that we cannot make others happy or content if we, ourselves, are not there.
We cannot serve others if we cannot serve ourselves.
We cannot accept others if we cannot accept ourselves.
We cannot love others if we cannot love ourselves.
We often forget that our journey in life, our soul, our being is unique. We become caught up in comparison. We become caught up in negativity and worry and concerns about a future we cannot control. And we forget that all that really exists is this present moment. And right now, right here, in this moment, You are enough.
No more is needed. No more criticism, no more judgement, no more worries. Just acceptance that where you are is where you’re meant to be. That everything is temporary and even this moment is temporary. And in this moment, You are enough.
And if this moment is temporary and it’s good, treasure it for all its worth. And if this moment is temporary and it’s not so good, know that it will pass. In either moment, learn what you can and know that it is enough.
And if you are in company of those, in this moment, who cannot appreciate you, know that you can always find people who accept you as you are. Or you can let go of this company altogether because You are enough. As you are.

And by accepting wholly who you are now, you see reality as it is and not as you believe it should be. By accepting that You are enough, you let go of all that holds you back from enjoying your life as you want it and not as you believe it should be.
You let go of your self-doubt. You let go of your inner critic. You let go of any lack of trust you hold on to.
You let go of those in your life who unconsciously keep you in suffering because you believed that’s all you deserved.
You let go of all painful voices that kept you down because at the time you believed that’s all you deserved.
You accept that You are enough.
And as you accept that You are enough, you become lighter.
You surrender into yourself.
You now know. And no longer doubt.
You now believe. Your inner critic goes silent.
You fill your life with those who accept that you are enough.
You now know that you deserve your soul to be at peace.
You deserve joy and love and acceptance.
And as you accept this, your reality changes. You identify more with what is good for your being. You open up to possibilities that are right for your soul. You no longer act from a place of fear or panic or doubt or worry. You act from a place of trust and bravery and joy. You act from a place of truth.
Because you know more now than ever before that You are enough.