Dreams can be scarier than nightmares, specifically when they do not come true. While nightmares are something you wake up from, fallen dreams are with us, asleep or awake.
How do we then recover when our dreams fall apart? Enter: Christina Lopes and her YouTube talk, “What to do when your dreams fall apart?” (link here: https://christina-lopes.com/videos/live-with-joy-purpose/when-dreams-are-shattered/)
It’s a short talk that was done 5 years ago, and yet given the times we’re in, probably more relevant now than ever before. While Christina starts off using a question submitted to her by a viewer, this particular topic could take hours to answer and she summarises it in ten minutes; scratching the surface only and allowing you take it further if you feel like you’re stuck in the mud.

I appreciated how she made me think about how I saw my life when the dreams I conjured up and replaced as goals, fell apart. Without question, when something falls apart, it means it is a failure. I failed to achieve my dream. I failed to achieve that goal. But in this “judgement of failure” I miss the bigger picture of life, or as Christina puts it, “grander perspective of everything.”
I was not the type of person who thought I could ever say, “I don’t know what to do next” until I reached a place in my life where I truthfully had to say this (I did it softly…extremely softly). I was stuck in the “mud of life” and could not see my life emerging as a lotus. And because I didn’t have the answers or the control, I became still and had to make a decision of either falling into a black hole or finding ways to give me an answer on what to do next. I didn’t recognise that in itself was the way of getting through the mud. And this is exactly what this talk recommends.
You need to begin asking questions like “What did I learn from my experience?” and as you keep finding more questions to answer, it may help you reach that ultimate answer to the question of what you’re supposed to do in this life. The ultimate dream that cannot fail because it’s in sync with your life.