May, you beauty! What an incredibly mentally and emotionally tough month! My learning this month has been in remembering that the more you do, the more you can do…until your brain has a “Listen, I’ve had enough and am not going to function” day and this then turns into a “You slept an entire weekend away” story. I’m also learning that resilience is by far the most important trait for me…and yet, I feel like I need more!
I am getting into the groove of ticking items off, but more importantly I’ve been more aware at how my attitude has evolved on my approach and thinking towards some things. For an overthinker, and one who thinks about what one is thinking about, this has been a game changer.
My highlight of the month was going camping. Yes, it’s not something new for me but is it something I love and look forward to? 100 percent. The outdoors, nature, very few people, tent living and star gazing plus of course night time fires – my happy place. I even got in a sunrise (2 for the year now) which was extra special because it was on the doorstep of our tent. The place we stayed at was next to the super low fence of the nature reserve (clearly we do not have trust issues) and each camp spot was surrounded by thorn bushes which gave an even deeper feeling of being alone and having a private space. The company was relaxing and stress-free and that added to this being the highlight; bonding time with my people.

My second month without a run…I’ve not been focused on this and to get back into it, I’ve booked the June date. It’s helped get me back on track which shows me that having a target and goal in short sprints makes the world of difference. And booking a month ahead seems to do the trick. I have tried booking races months in advance but always ended up avoiding them. I think the one month in advance doesn’t give me enough time to over think it.
I have completed my second book for the year, called “What buddhists believe“. If you’ve ever been interested in understanding Buddhism, this book is a gentle read. It is also a nice reminder of how to not get stuck in our feelings or thoughts as everything is temporary which puts a whole lot of stuff that we carry into perspective.
My third sunrise was also ticked off unexpectedly and unplanned. I arrived at work at an hour I usually do not, and stood with coffee in hand, on one of the decks outside, watching the sunrise. I did drag a colleague with me and I am convinced she joined, only because it seemed like such a strange activity to be as excited as I was about it.
Then the things I put in only because I saw them as “admin” and they needed to be done. My thinking changed though after my dentist appointment. Yes, this was an item on the list. I have not been in years and whatever number popped into your head, probably multiply it by 2 or 3 to know how long it has been. After a short and not as scary as it probably should have been trip, something in me clicked to accept that this wasn’t “admin”. This was self-care. What could possibly be more caring than looking after oneself?
I did also have my passport renewed, which took two months of me delaying booking an appointment. I finally made that call which took 2 minutes and the whole renewal process took 15 minutes. #sigh – We sometimes really are our own worst enemies.
Heading into June, I feel like I’m off to a good start. Onto my third book, booked my third race and starting a 7 day challenge in a few days. May the momentum carry on!