My 5 Commitments for the months ahead.

It’s Spring! And the past two weeks have felt lighter since my last blog. It really was a spring-clean of head space and time for new beginnings.

After last year of pushing the running, gymming and meditating (and yet always feeling tired and becoming sick unnecessarily) I took a few days break earlier this year and realised that there is a major difference between being disciplined about something and committing yourself to something. Being disciplined sounds hard like a punishment would be required if I didn’t fulfill a task. Committing yourself to the same task sounds soft, like forgiveness would be punishment enough…and what a great punishment that is… I guess loving yourself does bring out the softness in you:-)

This year I started off tough. Running and gymming and then…nothing. From February to April I was tired but still pushing then June was slow, July even slower and August non-existent. Winter seems like a good excuse (heehee) but being real with myself (and now you; it was the perfect opportunity to just give in.

I’ve now changed tactics. I’m no longer being disciplined about anything. I’m now committing to certain changes…and accepting that these are possibly life or lifetime or lifelong changes I will fall once in a while. Let’s hope each time I get up quicker than the last. And I’ll be gentle to myself (no more calling myself “silly”)! because life is all about learning right?

So here’s where my commitment is aimed at for the rest of the year. One day at a time.

1. Exercise three times a week. Aim = 21km in November (I’m already registered)!
2. Meditate 25 minutes every morning! Boy oh boy!!!
3. Listening to one Ted Talk a week. Leading to my #thursdaytedtalk posts!
4. Eating one fruit every day. (Those who know me know what a commitment this is)!
5. Taking one photo every day (Ok…I read this challenge and I like the idea of taking a photo; idea = to ensure you are present in the moment, always looking for something new and beautiful)!

These are my commitments, to myself. And since I’d love you to be part of my journey, I’m sharing them with you. The aim to all of this to be healthier and the best version of me. But no longer aiming for perfect or normal. The aim is to feel like the best me possible.

It would be amazing if you shared yours too (this is what the comments section is for!) 🙂


3 thoughts on “My 5 Commitments for the months ahead.

  1. Trisha says

    Beautiful words my dear cousin. It takes alot of courage in making such a bold move to take care of yourself, body, mind and soul 🙂

  2. Mrs Nozipho Faith Dlamini says

    I love the taking 1 photo a day of something beautiful. I think I will join. Always looking fir beauty around us.

    1. My Butterfly Dream says

      Thanks Trisha!Yes big and bold now! I agree Nozi, we always need to look for it otherwise we miss so much!


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