No epic blog this week…disappointing I know
Lots of reflection has been made by me, and with that, has come questions…that I’d like you to answer…
I’ve been doing these blogs for almost 6 years now and it’s time for a change. A real change. Except I’m not sure what the change is, just that I know it’s time (no, I don’t know how or why I know this, but just go with it)…and I’d like your help please.
Writing these blogs has helped me grow, heal and share, and I’ve always maintained that I do this blog to share stories to help myself as much as others. I’ve gotten to the point where quite honestly, I feel like my cup is full and I’d like to focus more on filling yours.

So, my questions are:
1. What suggestions do you have, if any, for my blog? – topics, length, occurrence, look, feel…whatever you think…
2. What would you like to see more of?
3. What inspires and motivates you?
Please email me on or simply leave a comment under the Comments section.
I like the weekly blog. Something to look forward to.
Topics… this is a tricky one coz I love the current format of whatever is on your mind.
Maybe more photography since you have that nice camera… and your fave Ted talks and why
Thank you so much, so helpful