You’ve been up since 2am again and not even Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Pinterest could keep you entertained. You fall asleep at the exact moment you are supposed to get up (which obviously means you will not arrive at your normal time for work). When you eventually drag yourself out of bed every limb seems to move slower and every sound that is made by the individuals you live with seems 10 times louder than normal while you try keeping the lack-of-sleep-headache at bay. You also remember you are the only one off to work (the envy you have to fight off together with the headache is winning). Finally you’re out the door on your way.
You try keeping in mind Robin Sharma’s words, “There is no such thing as a bad day” because you have the ability to learn from every situation and as you think this over and over the train arrives and guess what? Because you’re taking a train half an hour later than normal it’s empty. Not just you may get a seat empty but you and the other 30 people who jump in will definitely get a seat empty. Not a bad day indeed. The ride is short and quick as always and you make it to the station, forgetting that you’re having a bad day but then you cross the street and you almost get knocked by 2 stationary-but-decide-to-move-as-you-walk-past cars. As you wait for the shuttle you laugh off your near death experience (it counts as one, right?) with the man next to you. You both laugh about how you are having “one of those days” and there it is. You’ve accepted what the rest of your day is going to be like.
Or do you?
You arrive at work in one piece. No tripping, no problems, you arrive. You dig deep in your bag for those headache tablets (for some reason you had thrown them in there the week before – thank goodness)! The coffee machine is working and life is back on track. You tackle whatever glitches come up seamlessly (okay, maybe not seamlessly, but certainly with less swearing than normal) and you quietly admit to yourself that it isn’t a bad day after all. You are no longer tired because the adrenaline has kicked in (yes, you’ve done this numerous times when you were an insomniac and you push the thought of returning way way way back into your mind).
The rest of the day goes by quickly and even though you miss family supper (it’s okay, you remind yourself, these things happen), you finish off your 3000 word essay with ease. A day before it’s due. You forget that you’ve had an interesting couple of hours (forget weeks/months/years) and the day is almost over.
Just a few more hours before you can say you’ve made it. The light in your barely-working-anymore-brain starts going off as you realize the possibility of being able to go to sleep (alive) with the accomplishment you’ve achieved simply by living through this day. You did that – you turned the day around by remaining positive and reminding yourself that there is no such thing as a bad day.
You’ve turned one of those days into just another great day and if that is not amazing, then I don’t know what is.
Thanx…I needed that one. Here’s to another great day.
Hahaha, only a pleasure:-)
Gosh this is so true. I had one of those days the last 3 days. Squeezing a 5 day week into 3 days is no joke. But I survived and I’m alive. And life goes on as we no it. Thanks for the words of inspiration! 🙂
It’s a pleasure and I’m glad it helped:-)